Well here on the Mid North Coast of NSW it has been a lovely hot summer. Great if you can get out of the heat into air conditioning or the water. But what about your worms?? Rapid temperature change is one of the greatest threats to your home worm farm. The worms can cope with […]
Tag: buy worms online
International Composting Awareness Week

THE Coffs Coast’s high, primary and pre-school students are invited to let their imagination run wild during this year’s International Composting Awareness Week. Design and create the best worm farm for the Awareness Week and your school will have the opportunity to win prizes, including a worm farm or compost bin and vouchers from Promised […]
Compost worms – 10% OFF SALE

Compost Worms and Starter Packs – 10% off SALE From 6pm Friday 17/02/12 to Midnight Sunday 19/02/12 Order your compost worms or a starter kit for your worm farm this weekend and get 10% off. Hurry one weekend only! Start worm farming this weekend! Order Now!
Having been a vermiculturalist for many years now I have seen many different types of home and commercial worm farming systems. They all have their place and are designed for particular purpose and use. The thing which disturbs me most is that many people buy their worm farm then come to me for advice and […]
Compost Worms – Earthworms – Field Worms There is much confusion and misconceptions about compost worms, what they do and how. So here is the lowdown: Types of Worms When looking at ‘earthworms’ there are two basic types of worms : Compost Worms These are generally small red worms. They occur naturally in forested areas […]
A great way to get started worm farming is to start a basic worm farm. You can use many things for your worm farm. Click the link to download instructions for starting a worm farm using recycled fruit boxes. This is the cheapest, easiest and most effective way to get started worm farming. Visit our […]

What could be more simple than using one of The Earth’s natural systems to keep nutrients circulating. Here is a step-by-step guide to simple effective worm farming. 1.There are many different styles of worm farms on the market. Simplicity and practicality are important. Also consider the needs of capacity, space and climate. We recommend SWAG […]